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The trigger module emits the following events:

Trigger Created

Fires when a trigger is created with the CreateTriggerMsg.

TypeAttribute KeyAttribute Value
TriggerCreatedtrigger_idThe ID of the created trigger

Trigger Destroyed

Fires when a trigger is destroyed with the DestroyTriggerMsg.

TypeAttribute KeyAttribute Value
TriggerDestroyedtrigger_idThe ID of the trigger being destroyed

Trigger Detected

Fires when a trigger's event is detected in the EndBlocker.

TypeAttribute KeyAttribute Value
TriggerDetectedtrigger_idThe ID of the trigger being detected

Trigger Executed

Fires when a trigger's actions are executed in the BeginBlocker.

TypeAttribute KeyAttribute Value
TriggerExecutedtrigger_idThe ID of the trigger being executed
TriggerExecutedownerThe sdk.Address of the trigger's owner
TriggerExecutedsuccessA boolean indicating if all the actions successfully executed