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Begin Blocker

The BeginBlocker abci call is invoked on the beginning of each block. Triggers will be dequeued and ran.

Trigger Execution

The following steps are performed on each BeginBlocker: 2. A Trigger is removed from the Queue. 3. The Gas Limit for the Trigger is retrieved from the store. 4. A GasMeter is created for the Trigger. 5. An Action on the Trigger is ran updating and verifying gas usage against the GasMeter 6. The events for the Action are emitted. 7. Step 5 is repeated until no more Actions exist for the trigger. 8. Step 1 is repeated until the Queue is empty or the throttling limit has been reached.


We have implemented a throttling limit within the module's BeginBlocker, effectively enforcing a maximum of 5 actions and a gas limit of 2,000,000 per BeginBlock.

End Blocker

The EndBlocker abci call is ran at the end of each block. The EventManager, BlockHeight, and BlockTime are monitored and used to detect Trigger activation.

Block Event Detection

The following is logic is used to detect the activation of a Trigger:

  1. The EventManager is utilized to traverse the transaction events from the newly created block.
  2. The Event Listener table filters for Triggers containing a TransactionEvent matching the transaction event types and containing the defined Attributes.
  3. The Event Listener table filters for Triggers containing a BlockHeightEvent that is greater than or equal to the current BlockHeight.
  4. The Event Listener table filters for Triggers containing a BlockTimeEvent that is greater than or equal to the current BlockTime.
  5. These Triggers are then unregistered and added to the Queue.