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MsgFee proto

// MsgFee is the core of what gets stored on the blockchain to define a msg-based fee.
message MsgFee {
// msg_type_url is the type-url of the message with the added fee, e.g. "/".
string msg_type_url = 1;
// additional_fee is the extra fee that is required for the given message type (can be in any denom).
cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin additional_fee = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// recipient is an option address that will receive a portion of the additional fee.
// There can only be a recipient if the recipient_basis_points is not zero.
string recipient = 3;
// recipient_basis_points is an optional portion of the additional fee to be sent to the recipient.
// Must be between 0 and 10,000 (inclusive).
// If there is a recipient, this must not be zero. If there is not a recipient, this must be zero.
// The recipient will receive additional_fee * recipient_basis_points / 10,000.
// The fee collector will receive the rest, i.e. additional_fee * (10,000 - recipient_basis_points) / 10,000.
uint32 recipient_basis_points = 4;

This state is created via governance proposals.