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MsgFees Queries


GenesisState contains a set of msg fees, exported and later imported from/to the store. genesis.proto

Query Request/Response Object

get params for the module. get params

query all msgfees in the system QueryAllMsgFeesRequest/QueryAllMsgFeesResponse resquest/response for all messages which have fees associated with them.

simuate fees(including additional fees to be paid for a Tx) To simulate the fees required on the Tx use CalculateTxFeesRequest

Request: CalculateTxFeesRequest

// CalculateTxFeesRequest is the request type for the Query RPC method.
message CalculateTxFeesRequest {
// tx_bytes is the transaction to simulate.
bytes tx_bytes = 1;
// default_base_denom is used to set the denom used for gas fees
// if not set it will default to nhash.
string default_base_denom = 2;
// gas_adjustment is the adjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation
float gas_adjustment = 3;

Response: CalculateTxFeesResponse

// CalculateTxFeesResponse is the response type for the Query RPC method.
message CalculateTxFeesResponse {
// additional_fees are the amount of coins to be for addition msg fees
repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin additional_fees = 1
[(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.castrepeated) = ""];
// total_fees are the total amount of fees needed for the transactions (msg fees + gas fee)
// note: the gas fee is calculated with the floor gas price module param.
repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin total_fees = 2
[(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.castrepeated) = ""];
// estimated_gas is the amount of gas needed for the transaction
uint64 estimated_gas = 3;

Total fee is calculated based on floor_gas_price param set to 1905nhash for now.