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The marker module emits the following events:

Marker Added

Fires when a marker is added using the Add Marker Msg.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerAdd

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Address{marker address}
Amount{supply amount}
Manager{admin account address}
Status{current marker status}
MarkerType{type of marker}

Grant Access

Fires when administrative access is granted for a marker

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerAddAccess

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Administrator{admin account address}
Access{access grant format}

Access Grant Format

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerAccess

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Address{bech32 address string}
Permissions{array of role names}

Revoke Access

Fires when all access grants are removed for a given address.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerDeleteAccess

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Administrator{admin account address}
RemoveAddress{address removed}


Fires when a marker is finalized.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerFinalize

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Administrator{admin account address}


Fires when a marker is activated.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerActivate

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Administrator{admin account address}


Fired when a marker is cancelled successfully.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerCancel

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Administrator{admin account address}


Fires when a marker is marked as destroyed and ready for removal.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerDelete

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Administrator{admin account address}


Fires when coins are minted for a marker.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerMint

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Amount{supply amount}
Administrator{admin account address}


Fires when coins are burned from a marker account.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerBurn

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Amount{supply amount}
Administrator{admin account address}


Fires during a marker Withdraw.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerWithdraw

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Amount{supply amount}
Administrator{admin account address}
ToAddress{recipient account address}


Fires during a marker Transfer.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerTransfer

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Amount{supply amount}
Administrator{admin account address}
FromAddress{source account address}
ToAddress{recipient account address}

Set Denom Metadata

Fires when the denom metadata is set for a marker

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventMarkerSetDenomMetadata

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
MetadataBase{marker's denom string}
MetadataDescription{description string}
MetadataDisplay{denom string}
MetadataName{name string}
MetadataSymbol{symbol string}
MetadataDenomUnits{array of denom units}
Administrator{admin account address}

Denom Unit Format

Denom units have a specified exponent (1-18), a specified denom, and a list of optional aliases. Example aliases for uhash might be microhash or µhash

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventDenomUnit

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{denom string}
Aliases{array of denom strings}

Set Net Asset Value

Fires when a NetAssetValue is added or updated for a marker.

Type: provenance.marker.v1.EventSetNetAssetValue

Attribute KeyAttribute Value
Denom{marker's denom string}
Price{token amount the marker is valued at for volume}
Volume{total volume/shares associated with price}
Source{source address of caller}