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BlockVault Endpoints

Generate Scope Transaction

Used to generate a Provenance Blockchain scope transaction message without submitting it.

URL: https://{host}/api/v1/p8e/tx/generate

Method: POST

Request Body:

"account": {
"keyRingIndex": "0",
"keyIndex": "0",
"partyType": "OWNER",
"permissions": {
"audiences": [],
"permissionDart": false,
"permissionPortfolioManager": false
"contractSpecId": "f97ecc5d-c580-478d-be02-6c1b0c32235f",
"scopeSpecId": "551b5eca-921d-4ba7-aded-3966b224f44b",
"scopeId": <scope uuid>,
"contractInput": <string of contract input>
FieldDescriptionData Type
account/keyRingIndexThe key ring index. Used to identify the provenance account.String
account/keyIndexThe key index. Used to identify the provenance account.String
permissions/audiencesAdditional audiences that should be allowed permission to query against the saved data in EOSList<Base64EncodedPublicKey>
permissions/permissionDartIf the dart product should be allowed permission against the saved data in EOS.Bool
permissions/permissionPortfolioManagerIf the portfolio manager product should be allowed permission against the saved data in EOS.Bool
contractSpecIdThe contract specification id. denote the Contracts/Processes that will be used to manage the data within a scope.String
scopeSpecIdThe scope specification id. indicates a set of allowed Contract Specifications that are allowed to be used against a given scope to perform updates.String
scopeIdThe scope id that defines the set of recordsString
contractInputThe string representation of the input to the contract to runString
account/isTestNetIf true, testnet shall be used, otherwise mainnetBool


Sample Response
"json": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/provenance.metadata.v1.MsgWriteScopeRequest",
"scope": {
"scopeId": "AHEfrPPaWTcghQJo34ZE0gU=",
"specificationId": "BFUbXsqSHUunre05ZrIk9Es=",
"owners": [
"address": "tp156pvc8f338504us55nwxujt29f7948mcgz8xm9",
"dataAccess": [
"valueOwnerAddress": "tp156pvc8f338504us55nwxujt29f7948mcgz8xm9"
"signers": [
"scopeUuid": "711facf3-da59-3720-8502-68df8644d205",
"specUuid": "551b5eca-921d-4ba7-aded-3966b224f44b"
"@type": "/provenance.metadata.v1.MsgWriteSessionRequest",
"session": {
"sessionId": "AXEfrPPaWTcghQJo34ZE0gV8DiP9meZGe4NmWke85QBp",
"specificationId": "A/l+zF3FgEeNvgJsGwwyI18=",
"parties": [
"address": "tp156pvc8f338504us55nwxujt29f7948mcgz8xm9",
"audit": {
"createdBy": "tp156pvc8f338504us55nwxujt29f7948mcgz8xm9",
"updatedBy": "tp156pvc8f338504us55nwxujt29f7948mcgz8xm9"
"signers": [
"sessionIdComponents": {
"scopeUuid": "711facf3-da59-3720-8502-68df8644d205",
"sessionUuid": "7c0e23fd-99e6-467b-8366-5a47bce50069"
"@type": "/provenance.metadata.v1.MsgWriteRecordRequest",
"record": {
"name": "Asset",
"sessionId": "AXEfrPPaWTcghQJo34ZE0gV8DiP9meZGe4NmWke85QBp",
"process": {
"hash": "32D60974A2B2E9A9D9E93D9956E3A7D2BD226E1511D64D1EA39F86CBED62CE78",
"name": "OnboardAssetProcess",
"method": "OnboardAsset"
"inputs": [
"name": "AssetHash",
"hash": "u8wa+g8aogt0Z1cIAYnoT4Y/ahEv+OBylpuzrYLO1Hc=",
"typeName": "String",
"outputs": [
"hash": "u8wa+g8aogt0Z1cIAYnoT4Y/ahEv+OBylpuzrYLO1Hc=",
"specificationId": "Bfl+zF3FgEeNvgJsGwwyI1/Vk4bgrkNeKS++DrzblUt1"
"signers": [
"contractSpecUuid": "f97ecc5d-c580-478d-be02-6c1b0c32235f"
"base64": [
FieldDescriptionData Type
jsonJSON object containing the fully formed set of messages to be sent to Provenance for contract executionJSON Object
base64Base 64 encoded versions of those same messages provided as JSON aboveString

Execute Transaction on Provenance

Used to send a transaction proposal message to be executed by the Provenance Blockchain network.

URL: https://{host}/api/v1/p8e/tx/execute

Method: POST

Request Body:

"chainId": "pio-testnet-1",
"nodeEndpoint": "grpc://",
"tx": <tx body>,
"account": {
"keyRingIndex": "0",
"keyIndex": "0",
"partyType": "OWNER",
FieldDescriptionData Type
chainIdThe blockchain identifierString
nodeEndpointThe url to the provenance node to run againstString
txThe tx body that should be broadcast to provenanceString
account/keyRingIndexThe key ring index. Used to identify the provenance account.String
account/keyIndexThe key index. Used to identify the provenance account.String
account/isTestNetIf true, testnet shall be used, otherwise mainnetBool


"hash": <result of the contract execution provided as a hash>,
"gasWanted": <nhash value>,
"gasUsed": <nhash value>,
"height": <block height>
FieldDescriptionData Type
hashThe returned hash of the record stored on the Provenance ledgerString
gasWantedThe gas estimated and supplied for contract executionString
gasUsedThe gas used during contract executionString
heightThe block height when the transaction was committed to the ledgerString