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Software Upgrade Proposals

Information on how to propose, vote, and track a software upgrade proposal

Software upgrade proposals will occur when major upgrades are required on the Provenance Blockchain network. When this does occur a governance proposal will be made to request all validators vote on the new software upgrade. All software upgrades will be sourced from the provenance-io/provenance repository.

Submit a software upgrade proposal

Once a new release for the Provenance Blockchain binary has been created, a software upgrade proposal can be run. The proposal should have a name, title, a description of the changes, a url of the plan with the necessary binaries, upgrade block height, required deposit, and chain-id

homehome directory containing the blockchain data for the node
titleTitle of Software Upgrade
descriptionShort description of what the upgrade is for
upgrade-infourl that points to the json upgrade plan
fromthe account that holds the Hash to be delegated
upgrade-heightblockchain height of where the software upgrade should take place
depositrequired amount of nhash needed to create the proposal
chain-idname of the network you are connected to
export PIO_HOME=~/.provenanced
provenanced tx gov submit-proposal software-upgrade test1 \
--title "test1" \
--description "upgrade Provenance Blockchain to version test1" \
--from <name_of_key> \
--upgrade-height 1000 \
--deposit 10000000nhash \
--chain-id pio-testnet-1 \

Reviewing the newly created proposal

After submitting the software upgrade proposal you can review that proposal by running the following command:

provenanced query gov proposal 1 --testing
'@type': /cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.SoftwareUpgradeProposal
description: upgrade Provenance Blockchain to version test1
height: "1000"
name: test1
time: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
upgraded_client_state: null
title: test1
deposit_end_time: "2021-03-19T15:41:31.171271855Z"
abstain: "0"
"no": "0"
no_with_veto: "0"
"yes": "0"
proposal_id: "1"
submit_time: "2021-03-17T15:41:31.171271855Z"
- amount: "10000000"
denom: nhash
voting_end_time: "2021-03-17T15:46:31.171271855Z"
voting_start_time: "2021-03-17T15:41:31.171271855Z"

This shows that the proposal is live on the chain and the voting period has begun.

Voting on the Proposal

At this time the proposal is live on the Provenance Blockchain network and in order to pass will require a greater than 2/3 majority yes vote. Voting has 4 different parameters abstain, no, no_with_veto, and yes. To vote on the proposal you will run the following:

provenanced tx gov vote 1 yes \
--from $KEY_NAME \
--chain-id pio-testnet-1 \
--fees 1395nhash \
--gas auto \

Tally current vote

You can review the current state of the governance proposal by running the following:

provenanced query gov tally 1 --testing
abstain: "0"
"no": "0"
no_with_veto: "0"
"yes": "0"

End of Voting Period

Once the voting period has expired the votes will be tallied and if the proposal was voted on in the affirmative it will pass and take affect on the agreed upon block height.

provenanced query gov proposal 1 --testing
'@type': /cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.SoftwareUpgradeProposal
description: upgrade Provenance Blockchain to version test1
height: "1000"
name: test1
time: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
upgraded_client_state: null
title: test1
deposit_end_time: "2021-03-19T15:41:31.171271855Z"
abstain: "0"
"no": "0"
no_with_veto: "0"
"yes": "10000000"
proposal_id: "1"
submit_time: "2021-03-17T15:41:31.171271855Z"
- amount: "10000000"
denom: nhash
voting_end_time: "2021-03-17T15:46:31.171271855Z"
voting_start_time: "2021-03-17T15:41:31.171271855Z"