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Tx Command

Submit transactions using the `provenanced` transaction command.


This section uses the provenanced application to connect to the Provenance Blockchain testnet. Follow the installation instructions in the Using Provenanced section.

You will need a key pair stored in the local Keyring to run the transaction commands in this section.

Create and Submit a Transaction

With a key pair and address we can submit transactions to the blockchain.


Use provenanced tx --help to view the types of transactions supported by Provenance Blockchain.

Transaction requests from the command-line follow the form:

provenanced tx [moduleName] [command] <arguments> --flag <flagArg>

First find an existing Hash holder address that we can transfer some of our Hash to. Using the provenanced query commands and the Marker module, we can list everyone holding Hash:

provenanced --testnet q marker holding nhash --node=
- address: tp1qgjnuqnrqwhg2kfl0dk9rhkcga5lehns2hdycm
- amount: "963530000"
denom: nhash
- address: tp1pr93cqdh4kfnmrknhwa87a5qrwxw9k3dhkszp0
- amount: "99089999999600000000"
denom: nhash
- address: tp1pmc6v4p8rak0lmzcrsm9t2hzm9vnzwy2a5xyhv
- amount: "866545000"
denom: nhash
- address: tp1zk3qvk6dvpk6394chmvq5gtrw5arqzsag072h5

Let's pick someone with a small amount of Hash, like the first address in our list tp1qgjnuqnrqwhg2kfl0dk9rhkcga5lehns2hdycm (note, the list may be different when you run this command).


What is nhash? nhash is the smallet unit of Hash, a nano-Hash, where 1 Hash = 1,000,000,000 nhash.

Now, let's transfer 1nhash to the other address:

provenanced --testnet tx bank send tp1cuknswnphchtkwe68t4nshcaj4l4azv9ml2qhs tp1qgjnuqnrqwhg2kfl0dk9rhkcga5lehns2hdycm 1nhash \
--node= \
--chain-id pio-testnet-1 \
--gas 65000
--gas-prices 1nhash

The CLI will prompt us to confirm our transaction request:


confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]:

Once confirmed, the transaction will be signed using the private key portion of our key pair associated to address tp1cuknswnphchtkwe68t4nshcaj4l4azv9ml2qhs (remember we stored our key in a local keyring) and submitted to the blockchain:

"height": "211721",
"txhash": "903A2DFC2E3178D4AB078306E357C28A7B6167F01181AC1A17F1CCC857202D13",
"codespace": "",
"code": 0,
"data": "0A060A0473656E64",
"raw_log": "[{\"events\":[{\"type\":\"message\",\"attributes\":[{\"key\":\"action\",\"value\":\"send\"},{\"key\":\"sender\",\"value\":\"tp1cuknswnphchtkwe68t4nshcaj4l4azv9ml2qhs\"},{\"key\":\"module\",\"value\":\"bank\"}]},{\"type\":\"transfer\",\"attributes\":[{\"key\":\"recipient\",\"value\":\"tp1qgjnuqnrqwhg2kfl0dk9rhkcga5lehns2hdycm\"},{\"key\":\"sender\",\"value\":\"tp1cuknswnphchtkwe68t4nshcaj4l4azv9ml2qhs\"},{\"key\":\"amount\",\"value\":\"1nhash\"}]}]}]",
"logs": [
"msg_index": 0,
"log": "",
"events": [
"type": "message",
"attributes": [
"key": "action",
"value": "send"
"key": "sender",
"value": "tp1cuknswnphchtkwe68t4nshcaj4l4azv9ml2qhs"
"key": "module",
"value": "bank"
"type": "transfer",
"attributes": [
"key": "recipient",
"value": "tp1qgjnuqnrqwhg2kfl0dk9rhkcga5lehns2hdycm"
"key": "sender",
"value": "tp1cuknswnphchtkwe68t4nshcaj4l4azv9ml2qhs"
"key": "amount",
"value": "1nhash"
"info": "",
"gas_wanted": "65000",
"gas_used": "61579",
"tx": null,
"timestamp": ""

Gas, gas, and more gas: notice that the transaction response includes gas_wanted and a gas_used values. When we submitted our transaction we indicated we were willing to pay 65,000 units of gas (--gas 65000) at 1 nhash per unit (--gas-prices 1nhash). The actual cost of the transaction was 61,579 units of gas at our 1 nhash per unit price. Refer to the Cosmos Introduction to Gas and Fees and the Provenance Blockchain Gas and Fees section.

Of note in the transaction response are:

  • height is the block number our transaction was included in
  • txhash is a unique identifier for our transfer transaction (it is a crypto hash of the transaction request)
  • A zero value code indicates the transaction was successful.

The --node= flag is not necessary when running against a locally installed node.