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As the main landing page for the Explorer, this provides a general, current overview of Provenance Blockchain.

The Explorer dashboard overview

Latest Provenance Blockchain Statistics

General statistics about Provenance Blockchain as a chain

In the top section, you will find general statistics about Provenance Blockchain as a whole.

  • Block Height: the current height on Provenance Blockchain, including the block's proposer
  • Transactions: the current approximate number of total transactions written onto Provenance Blockchain
  • Voting Power: the current total voting power that took part in the voting for the last block; includes the total validator count on Provenance Blockchain
  • Avg Block Time: across the last 100 blocks on Provenance Blockchain, on average how long it took to commit a block
  • Bonded Tokens: the percentage of tokens present on Provenance Blockchain that are bonded to a staking validator; includes approximate values for bonded to total tokens ratio
  • 24hr Volume: the volume of Hash moved in the last 24 hours, in US Dollars
  • Latest Price: the latest trading price of 1 Hash, as shown by the Dlob
  • Market Cap:

Top Validators

top validators

The Top 6 Validators chart shows a breakdown by voting power from the top active validators on Provenance Blockchain. The hover-over includes the total bonded token count, percentage of total voting power, and uptime percentage

14-Day Transaction History

The Transaction History chart shows a breakdown of transaction count across a maximum 14 day spread, broken down by Day or Hour. The hover-over shows the actual count for the break down.

10 Most Recent Blocks

As the heading describes, this list shows the 10 most recent blocks committed to Provenance Blockchain.

  • Block Height: the height of the block, links to the block's detail
  • Transaction count: the number of transactions included in the block
  • Block Timestamp: the timestamp the block was committed at, adjusted to UTC

10 Most Recent Transactions

This list shows the 10 most recent transactions committed to Provenance Blockchain.

  • TX#: the transaction hash assigned to the transaction; links to the transaction's detail
  • Transaction type: the type of message included in the transaction; if there is more than one distinct type, a +additional would show to indicate how many more message types are included
  • Time since included: the time that has elapsed since the transaction was included in a block
  • Fee amount: the fee that was paid to include the transaction in a block; shown in hash